Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birthday Week!

Okay... so I spent 30 minutes writing the most amazzzinngg blog post yesterday and it got deleted before I hit post.  After I spent 5 minutes screaming at the computer, the internet went out so heres a way shorter, not as awesome post about this week.  Sorry!

Tuesday: I had my second two classes which were History of the Italian Mafia and History of Florence.  I really like both of those classes and am looking forward to taking them this semester!! The professors are so stereotypically Italian, its hilarious! Other than classes, Florence kicked my butt on Tuesday.  On the way home from class I was feeling kind of cocky and decided that I totally knew how to get home without looking at a map. Bad choice obviously because 45 minutes later, wet, cold, and with a twisted ankle, I FINALLY made it to my apartment! Later that night I went to an awkward mixer thing for all of the students in Florence with Accent (the program who organized my study abroad) which consisted of standing in the corner with some TCU people since all the tables were already taken.  After about 30 minutes we peaced out of that party of the century and went for dessert and wine. It was really fun to meet some new people from TCU! Then my friend Tom walked me home since it was late and we got lost again.  Unlike the first time, since I was with someone it wasn't so bad to be lost, but it was still very cold!  On the bright side, I got to see a new part of Florence and walk around in the snow!

Wednesday: After class (Italian and Art History) I met Kaylen for lunch as this cute little cafe which was so so sooo good! I really don't think I will ever get sick of Italian food! Then later that night, Kaylen and I went to a talk by Rick Steves son Andy Steves which was so awesome! It made us really motivated to plan our trips so when we got home, we started researching. So far we have come up with a trip to Venice, Austria (probably), London/ Dublin, the Amalfi Coast, the French Riviera.  We still need to plan spring break and easter weekend (and maybe a few more?) so I'll let you know when all the trips are finalized! Next weekend I am going to Paris though so thats pretty exciting! I also got to skype with my parents on Wednesday and see my new puppy Bella who is such a cutie!

Thursday (MY BIRTHDAY): I don't have class on Thursdays which is sooo nice, and means I get to sleep in!  My parents sent me a cake for my birthday so after picking that up and running a few other errands, I met up with Kaylen to go scarf shopping.  We went down to the leather market and found some cute scarves which have kept me very warm! Unfortunately, since it was so cold, we didn't want to be outside anymore after our shopping so we went back to the apartment after that.  Then later a group of my Florence friends went to dinner at Dantes (which gives students free wine!!) for my birthday! Here are some pictures from dinner!  

the cake my parents sent me! so sweet :)

I will finish catching up with my blogging tomorrow so get ready for another post! Love you all so much! XOXOXO

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