Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just another week in Florence

This week has been pretty uneventful so far, but heres the specifics on my day to day happenings! 

Monday: Cooking class is on Mondays which I absolutely love!  We were divided into our permanent cooking groups and actually got to cook this week!  My group made an appetizer of this corn tostado thing and mushroom sauce! It was pretty good! Here are some pictures of what the whole class made! 
What my group made: Polenta (corn) with mushroom

main course: Risi e Bisi

Dessert: Tiramisu

After class I was so stuffed which was nice because then I didn't have to think about getting lunch! I also had Italian on Monday which I am picking up way better than I thought I would! Its probably because I am actually using what I'm learning! What a concept!  After class, one of the girls in my class with me and I went to find the bookstore and buy our textbooks. Like all of my other outings in Florence, I got lost, but at the same time I made a new friend!  Later, Kaylen and I cooked dinner (pasta, shocker!) and I did some homework.  I've realized that while yes, I am in Florence, I also need some days that are just normal days!  By trying to be a 24/7 tourist in Florence, I was tiring myself out way too quickly! 

Tuesday: I had my mafia class and history of Florence class again, both of which I am really enjoying!  Between my mafia class and history class I have about 3 hours so I stopped in to the cafe below my apartment building on my way home. This really cute old man and his wife own it and I always say hi when I walk by so I figured it was time to go in! The cappuccino was so good and they let me sit down without paying a coperto (usually to sit down in a cafe, you pay extra for a table charge).  Also they brought me a croissant! They are so cute! In my history of Florence class, he lectured for about an hour and then we walked around and saw all of the things he had just talked about! It was so cool to learn about things in a classroom and see them 10 minutes later! Here are some pictures from class
San Lorenzo Church, Designed by Michelangelo and known as the "Medici church"

House where Raffaello lived when he first came to Florence and painted his famous Madonnas

Palazzo Pandolfini, owned by one of the most prominent families in Florence during the Medici era, the family still lives there!

After class, Kacy, Kathryn and I went and got pastries and cappuccinos to warm up.  It was this cute little bakery that was sooo good! I will definitely be going back to that place! Later that night, Kaylen and I went to a bar for drinks. From what we could tell, a bunch of people who worked together had all come to the bar and they were having a blast dancing on the stage etc.  After a while, one of the girls came down and dragged Kaylen and I up on stage to dance with them! They taught us the dances to their Italian songs (equivalent of knowing the wobble etc.), it was so much fun!  My favorite nights out are when we get to interact with the local Italians instead of just other American students abroad!  

Wednesday: Today I didn't have class until 12 because I dropped my Art History class!  After class, I got a panini from Gusta Panini (my FAV) and am now back at the apartment working on some homework! Its the weekend for me now which is so cool... it doesn't really feel like I got to class here!  I think we are all going out tonight and then I'm off to Paris tomorrow!  I can't wait!

I'll blog again on Sunday, but until then I'm sending each and every one of you a million hugs and kisses from Florence!!!

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