Monday, January 30, 2012

Oh wait, I have to go to school in Italy?

Heres an update on the rest of my weekend and my first day of classes:

Saturday night I went out with my roommates and some new friends.  It was really fun to get to know them and hang out with the Pablos again.  We ended up at one of the same clubs that Kaylen and I had been at the night before and the bouncer actually recognized us... I'm kind of a big deal in Italy haha.  This one group of Italians kept taking our picture from the balcony above which was weird, but again, we're super cool.  We got them to do the "go frogs" symbol though which was definitely a highlight of the night!  Were pretty much gonna spread Frog Fever all over Europe! Here are some pictures from Saturday night

Saturday night I couldn't really sleep and started feeling like I was getting a cold, so by Sunday I really wasn't feeling well.  I tried to go to the pharmacia but everything is closed on Sundays... good job Italy.  I ended up sleeping and trying to find my shows to watch online.  Side note: Hulu, Pandora, and a lot of other websites won't let me use them because I'm in Italy! I'm having major withdrawal.  Also, google changed my language to Italian and I can't figure out how to change it back.  Basically the internet is not my friend right now!  

Sunday night, my roommate Reynolds boyfriend came over and cooked for us.  He is a chef and doing a culinary internship in Florence this semester so he's pretty legit! Here are some pictures of the dinner!


main course... all homemade and AMAZING

Today was my first day of classes and I still don't feel good which is a bummer! I decided I couldn't skip the first day though and headed out of my apartment at 8:20, giving myself 40 minutes to find the school.  Unfortunately, as many of you know, I am pretty directionally challenged and ended up asking random Italians to look at my map as I pointed to where I wanted to go.  After an HOUR of walking around in 30 degree weather I finally found my building and was only 20 minutes late.  My first class was Italian cooking which I think I am really going to like! She lectured for a little and then since we don't have aprons yet, she showed us how to cook whats called Pappa al pommodora.  It was so good! I am seriously going to be an Italian chef when I come back... or at least know how to make more than easy mac and chocolate chip cookies! After that class was my Italian class which I am so glad I am taking! We learned all of the phrases one needs to know in an introduction conversation like "how are you", "where are you from" etc.  Hopefully I will soon be able to walk into a grocery store and know what the labels say! 

After being inspired by our home cooked meal, Kaylen and I decided to try some cooking of our own.  We looked up "easy soup recipes" and found a tortellini soup that turned out pretty good! 

One last thing that I think is kinda funny... I hate the doors in Italy! Although this is pretty minor, its something I never thought would affect my daily life so much.  In America, most doors going into restaurants, stores, etc. are pull.  In Italy the like their push doors.  I am constantly making America look super smart with my door problems and its got to stop! I now understand why America has such a bad rap in other parts of the world.  I mean if they think we can't even figure out how to open doors, I can only imagine what they think of our foreign policy, pop culture etc.  

ANYWAY... I have my second day of classes tomorrow! Hopefully I don't get as lost and just maybe I will be early? Who knows, anything could happen :)

Buona Notte, or for all you stupid Americans, Good Night!!

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