Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day trip to Sienna and Megan!

Here is part 2 to the blog post that got deleted, plus the rest of my weekend! Sorry for the delay, must have been hard for yall :)

Friday, Day trip to Sienna: Okay so we had to be at the train station at 8 am to catch our bus to Sienna.  My apartment mates and I decided to catch a cab there since it was so early and cold and called a cab around 7:35... 15 minutes later the cab was NOT HERE!! At this point we start sprinting to the bus stop 7 blocks down hoping to somehow figure out the Florence bus system.  Just as we are reaching the bus stop, we see a cab slowly make its way down our street towards our apartment.  We start sprinting back to the cab and basically long story short, we were the first people at the train station and the bus didn't leave till 8:15.  Stupid unwanted morning exercise! Once we got there, Sienna was so amazingly beautiful and snow covered... until I stepped outside of the bus and realized that it was just FREEZZIINGGG!! The churches were of course breathtaking and amazing, but thats about all I can tell you about them.  Pretty much the whole time all I could think was "my feet are so cold... but wait so are my arms.. but maybe my legs are more cold.. no but really I can't feel my toes".  Seriously though, it was THAT cold! Here are some pictures from Sienna! 

sassy little diva babies

seriously, it was THAT cold!

We got home from Sienna around 5 and I went to the grocery store and got the ingredients to make Pappa al Pommodora, which is what I learned how to make in cooking class last Monday! It turned out really good, and I made it all pretty :).  Then, to continue the birthday celebration, my roommates and I did candles and ate the cake/ pastry thing that my parents ordered for me! Also that night, Kaylen and I decided to nailpolish our phones so that can tell them apart! It is so annoying to constantly have to check and make sure I actually have MY phone... for all you jealous people here are some pictures.

did I not mention that I'm an Italian chef now??

designer phone cases... obviously

Friday night a bunch of us went out which was fun, but thankfully since I was not having the best hair day, I don't think any pictures were taken.  I met some more fun TCU kids though which is always nice! 

Saturday: Saturday morning I went and picked Megan up at the train station! I WAS SOO EXCITED TO SEE HER!!!

 Unfortunately it was so so sooo and I mean sooooooo cold that my plans to climb the Duomo were obviously not going to work for that day.  Instead we went to the Accadamia and saw the David among other things.  I have seen the David before but it is still just as breathtaking and amazing.  Seriously, if anyone ever has the opportunity to see it, it is a must! Afterwards Kaylen, Megan and I walked (more like hiked) up to the Piazza Michelangelo which has a view of the city! It looked fake it was so amazing, and my little digital camera does NOT do it justice! 

Then Megan and I went out to dinner and spent the rest of the night catching up and hanging out! It was so nice to have a little piece of home with me in Florence! 

Sunday: Slept in this morning and hung out with Megan talking about Belles (obv) and other Austin things. Then we went a got cappuccinos and I dropped her back off at the train station! So sad that it was such a quick visit but still so so SO great to see her! She is such an experience traveler now, we kept laughing at how cool we thought we were driving to Florida this summer without grownups! Now she has a 18 day backpacking trip under her belt! Hopefully I will be as traveled as her by the end of this semester!  I spent the rest of the day playing catch up with laundry, homework and cleaning.  Its amazing how dirty the apartment can get in a week! I also got to skype with my parents and Claire which was so nice! 

Everyone please PLEASE continue to keep me updated on everything happening at TCU or wherever! lots of freezing cold love from Florence!! XOXOXOXO

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