Monday, March 26, 2012

Berlin and Florence with my parents

Okay I have some serious catching up to do in terms of blogging, its been a crazy couple of weeks! Since its been a few weeks and things are starting to blur together, I'll just put up some pictures and explain them!

Wednesday, March 7th I flew to Berlin to meet up with my parents! They rented an apartment to stay in and when I got there around 8, my mom had already made chicken soup! It was such a nice way to start our visit together!

German History Museum, spent several hours in there! Its such an amazing collection of artifacts, paintings, costumes, weapons etc. 

part of the Berlin Wall memorial.  It used to run directly through this area

Berlin Wall memorial, only part of the complete original wall still standing

German food/beer is so good! 

Climbing the dome of the Reichstag.  It is a government building that has been rebuilt since being destroyed by bombing in WWII.

checkpoint charlie! Old USA checkpoint to cross from East Berlin to West Berlin... my fav part was Snackpoint Charlie next door

Jewish Memorial...absolutely unbelievable to experience. Also cool, when I was in Prague, I learned that it is based off the Jewish cemetery in Prague.

Mom and I in front of the Brandenburg Gate! The Berlin wall used to run right in front of it.  Something cool that the city has done is have a brick sidewalk go all through the city where the wall once stood. 

EU Bear, they have them all over Berlin painted with different designs.. kind of like the Longhorns in Austin!

Worlds largest chocolate store! AMAZZINNNGGG! They had statues of different buildings etc. made out of chocolate!

Mom and Dad went to Cinque Terre for a few days while I took midterms and then came back to Florence! It was so much fun showing them around and taking them to my favorite spots, especially Gusta Pizza (we went twice..). We also went to the Boboli Gardens, shopped in the leather market, climbed the Duomo, and walked through the different piazzas in Florence! 

Piazza Michelangelo... best view of Florence!

Gusta Pizza!

Overall it was a really great week and I was sad to see them leave... but not too sad because the next day I left for my Spring Break trip! I'll blog about that later!

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